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Select Board Meeting Minutes 1/10/11
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 1/10/11

Meeting Opened at: 7:00pm
Select Board Members Present: Jonathan Sylbert, Chairperson, Wayne Burkhart, and Scott Jenssen
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Sue Protheroe for the Monterey News, Susan Cooper, Maggie Leonard (Planning Board), Robert Lazzarini (ZBA), Steven Pullen (Accountant), Cliff Weiss, Karen Anderson and Julie Shapiro

The board reviewed Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ weekly report for the week ending 1/8/11 which included:
1.  Changing the blades on the Kenworth.
2.  Taking the 4500 to Cheshire, CT. for repairs.  Then remounting plow and sander.
3.  Installing Roadwatch in Foreman’s truck.
4.  Pushing in sand delivery.
5.  Traffic detail for the Tree Warden.
6.  Salted paved roads and sanded and plowed dirt roads on Wed. morning.  Salted paved roads on Friday morning and then through the day.  Plowed, salted and sanded on Friday night, Friday late night as requested by the police and Saturday morning.
7.  Picked up trees cut by Tree Warden on Hupi and Main Rd.
8.  Spoke with C. Samuelson regarding expansion plans at New England Keswick.
9.  Reviewed proposed cell tower bylaw revisions and made recommendations to the Planning Board.

The board met with Town Accountant, Steven Pullen to review the following items:
1.  Warrants were signed.
2.  Bally Gally budget: The money for this year has been spent on all of the repairs that were needed.  There is an $800 water bill that needs to be paid ($400 for Bally Gally and $400 for WMH).  Steve asked where he should pay the bill from.  Jon stated that this was already discussed and it was agreed that it would go on the special town meeting warrant immediately before town meeting.  It was noted that the WMH lease states that the lessee must pay for water.
3.  Steve asked about the special account that is holding the $25,000 fine and asked if there is a plan for it to be spent.  The Select Board referred Steve to the Conservation Commission as it’s their money to spend.
4.  Steve asked where he would get the school budget numbers from: The Board stated that he would request them from the school but it was 2 early right now and to just use last year’s numbers for now.
5.  He reminded the Board that he will be on vacation for 3 weeks starting at the end of January.
6.  There was a truck repaired and money was received from the insurance company and it was placed in a special account, the money is currently sitting there but Steve will put it back in the Highway Department’s machinery account.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The minutes from 1.3.11 were approved as written.
2.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.  Time off request for February was approved.
3.  Robert Lazzarini came in to speak with the Board about the following:
a.  To make sure everyone is on the same page with regards to the bylaw revisions.
b.  The revisions will be bigger than thought and it can’t be stated that we’re clarifying them.  New passages and in some cases whole sections of the bylaws need to be fashioned.  A 2/3 approval at the annual town meeting will be needed to make these changes.
c.  He thought it best if the acceptable revisions carried the “imprimatur” of the Select Board.
d.  Bob suggested that over the next four months the Select Board should invite the team of bylaw revision advisors to meet with the Board, negotiate a price for Attorney Bobrowski’s participation, place an article on the warrant appropriating the necessary funds, write 2 articles for the Monterey News – 1 describing the background to the problem and the other introducing Attorney Bobrowski and explaining the major bylaw revisions suggested and the details of the process to obtain the revision and finally making arrangements for Attorney Bobrowski’s visit and participation in the May 7, 2011 town meeting.
e.  The Board agreed and felt it should also be noted that several other towns have recently done this and used Attorney Bobrowski.  Attorney Bobrowski will be asked to attend a future Select Board meeting with a proposal with his anticipated time and costs.
4.  Susan Cooper, Cliff Weiss, Karen Anderson, a resident of Griswald Rd and Julie Shapiro came in to speak with the Board about the parking ban, specifically on Beartown Mtn Rd which accesses Beartown Mtn State Park.  Everyone agrees that it is state property and what is really needed is a parking lot.  In the winter people want to cross country ski but the town winter road policy does not allow parking there.  Maynard has stated that the town plows are 10 and 11 feet wide, and can be angled somewhat but on a thirteen foot wide road with a car sticking out 6 feet, there is not much room. The road~cannot be widened to accommodate cars parked along it as~there is a ditch on the south side of the road and is wet a good part of the year.  In the past there have been people that have parked in the turnaround and go camping in the State forest for days and the town trucks cannot turnaround.
It was suggested that the State be contacted about creating a parking lot there and what’s involved to do this.
The Board agreed that there really wasn’t much that could be done for this winter and that it needed to be understood that the highway crew is running around like crazy just before and during a storm trying to get the roads ready for everyone to travel on and then after the storms and in preparation for future storms they go push back snow so just because it isn’t snowing doesn’t mean that the trucks will not need to be on the road.
5.  Don Torrico will be coming in on the 31st to discuss a new proposed compensation plan for the Electrical and Plumbing & Gas Inspectors.
6.  The Board spoke about the Treasurer turning over the liability portion of the insurance to the Select Board and agreed that they would handle it from now on with some assistance from the Inter-Departmental Secretary.
7.  The Board reviewed their FY12 budget items and requested the following:
a.  Level fund line items 122, 124, 158, 160, 523, 529, 531, 541, 543, 640 and 692.
b.  Increased 945 to $70,000 from $68,839.
c.  Increased 122 to $5,000 from $4,500.
d.  The Board will wait on making any recommendations on salaries until a policy is decided on.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:05pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book